The Moral Fox Leadership Development Program

Tune your soul and refine your leadership with the lessons learned from the fabled fox.

The Moral Fox Program Logo

Audience and Duration

Offered in four, six and eight hour workshops

Frontline employees, supervisors, managers and senior executives

Program Overview

In his book, Good to Great, author Jim Collins claims that great leaders need only possess the qualities of the fabled hedgehog: focus and expediency.  This course introduces leaders to the error of Collins’ advice and why leaders also need the qualities of the fox: strategy and utility.

15th century illustration by Heinrich Steinhöwel which depicts Aesop’s (originally featuring a fox and a cat). The fable has been adapted countless times throughout Eastern and Western history.

Key Concepts

  • Ethics begins with free choice.
  • Ethical decisions often involve some difficulty.
  • Many free choices in which we seek to do the good are accompanied by some danger, pain, or harm.
  • There is a direct link between the exercise of free choice and the character of a leader.
  • Greatness is built on goodness rather than in opposition to it.

Key Objectives

  • Learn four key ideas to consider when thinking about ethics and a framework for assessing if a good choice is being made by a leader or professional.
  • Develop an understanding of how action is the object of choice, not an end result or material thing.
  • Introduce techniques for tuning the soul of a leader to handle the stresses of the role, while still making excellent choices.

Interactive Items

Pre-Event Survey IconPre-Event Survey to Jumpstart the SessionTraining Workbook IconWorkbook with Articles and ActivitiesPresentation IconMultimedia Presentation with Short Vignettes
Interactive Pollers IconInteractive Polling for EngagementGroup Discussion IconBreakout Group Discussions for Active ParticipationOnline Toolkit IconOnline Toolkit for Continued Development